On This Day

18th February

1478- George - Duke of Clarence, who had been impeached for treason by his brothers Edward IV and Richard III, was, allegedly, drowned in a gigantic vat of Malmsey wine at the Tower of London.

1517- Mary I, Queen of England was born.

1678 - John Bunyan'sPilgrim’s Progress was published.

1946- Sailors of the Royal Indian Navy mutinied in Mumbai harbour, from where it spread throughout British India.

1949- Opportunity Knocks, the forerunner to the X factor and other talent shows, was presented for the first time (on BBC radio) by its creator, Hughie Greene.

1991 - One man was killed and 43 people injured by an IRA bomb at Victoria Station, London.

1996 - An IRA bomb detonated prematurely on a bus travelling in central London, killing Edward O'Brien, the IRA member who was transporting the device. Eight other people were injured.
