Interesting Words - Swear Words

According to research presented at the Sociolinguistics Symposium, children start swearing at a much earlier age than they did a few decades ago.

(Seemingly in the UK kids start swearing at the age of 4! In the 1980s most children didn't start to swear until they were 13.  (I don't think I swore until I was about 21).

They also swear more often nowadays, and they have lots of choice: There are over 70 different common swear words in the English language (some of which also vary from English-speaking country to country), 10 frequently used words account for over 80 percent of common swearing.  

Of course I am far too polite to tell you what they are, but they include the "F" word, and sh1t (which isn't even a swear word in Germany). You can learn more here.)
