Interesting Word - Dyslexia

Dyslexia was originally used to describe someone who had lost the ability to read following a head injury.

(It comes from the German word dyslexie, which was made up from Greek dys- "bad, abnormal, difficult" + lexis "word".  Nowadays this type of dyslexia is called deep dyslexia or trauma dyslexia.

Someone with dyslexia might have the following issues:-
  • Seeing some letters as backwards or upside down.
  • Seeing text appearing to jump around on a page.
  • The inability to tell the difference between letters and numbers that look similar in shape, such as lower case letters (q and p) & (d and b), and numbers (10 & 01). The numbers (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 9) could be confusing while (8 & 0) would not be, due to being distinctive in shape. Similarly, distinctive lower case letters (i, m, o, v, & w) and upper case (A, H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, X, & Y) are typical in shape and therefore not as likely to be confusing.
  • The inability to tell the difference between letters that have similar shapes but different orientation, appearing as if in a mirror, such as (db bd) and (qp pq). The word “dill” could appear as “llib.”
  • Seeing the letters correctly, but being unable to sound out words; that is, unable to connect the letters to the sounds they make and understand them.
  • Being able to connect the letters and sound out words, but unable to recognize words they have seen before, no matter how many times they see them; each time they would have to start fresh.
  • Being able to read the word properly but not able to make sense of or remember what they read, so that they find themselves coming back to read the same passage over and over again.
  • Seeing letters as it they are all jumbled up and out of order.
  • Seeing the letters and words as if they are all bunched together.
  • Seeing the letters of some words as if they appear completely backwards, such as the word "bird" looking like "brid".
  • Seeing the letters and words normally, but getting a severe headache or feeling sick to their stomach every time they try to read for prolonged periods.

