Interesting Fact - Music

The British navy is using Britney Spears' music to scare off Somali pirates.

(According to news reports, Britney's hits, including Oops! I Did It Again and Baby One More Time, are being employed in an attempt to scare off pirates along the east coast of Africa. One naval officer is reported as having said:-
"Her songs were chosen by the security team because they thought the pirates would hate them most. These guys can't stand western culture or music."
But my favourite quote comes from Steven Jones, of the Security Association for the Maritime Industry:
"Pirates will go to any lengths to avoid or try to overcome the music. I’d imagine using Justin Bieber would be against the Geneva Convention."
Perhaps nothing else – not machine guns, not big, beefy security personnel – is quite as intimidating as the sound of Ms Spears singing "Ooh baby baby".  What would scare you away?)
