Interesting People - Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton, who invented calculus, had trouble with names to the point where he would forget his brothers' names.

(The principal reason for the common tendency to forget people's names is very simple - we usually don't pay enough attention when we hear them. But why are names so much harder than other things to remember? Or do they simply appear so, because we feel so bad when we forget a name?

Personal names are harder to remember than many other types of information, and the reason is simple - connection, or the lack of it. The main tenet of memory is that well-connected information is easy to remember. The more connections a piece of information has, the more likely you are to find it. But what connections does a name have with a person? For the most part, names are arbitrary.

Because the information itself isn't meaningful, you have to make a special effort to create a meaningful connection for it.

So, there's hope for me yet!)


  1. Anonymous9:45 pm

    I really learned about sir isaac neewton its really fun


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