Interesting Place - Dudley

A ferris wheel has been branded the "worst tourist attraction in Britain" because it offers panoramic views of - Dudley.


(In a bid to put Dudley "back on the map", the 114 ft (35m) attraction has been erected in the centre of the Black Country town. Sponsored by local radio station Free Radio, it costs a mere £4.50 a ride. It was previously erected in Birmingham, but will only be in the town for one month.

Organisers boast that it offers a birds-eye view of the regeneration of the town centre, including the zoo and castle, but people in the town and surrounding areas have criticised the move and fear it will make them a "laughing stock".

Local resident Barney Fletcher said, "Who would want to spend £4.50 to go and get an elevated view of some old office buildings, an abandoned bingo hall and a shopping centre?",and it's already been nicknamed the "Dud-l'eye" (which is how the town is pronounced in a West Midlands accent.)
