Interesting Christmas Facts - Christmas Presents

According to website, 1 in 3 three women are disappointed when they open the present from their partner on Christmas Day.

(25% of men were branded “clueless” when it came to buying gifts, and 50% of women admitted they were unlikely to get their dream present as their partners had good intentions but were hopeless at getting it right.

The worst gifts ever received were:-

a Shewee (A reusable plastic contraption for those caught short while out and about.)
a fishing rod
cellulite cream
intimate bodywash
a windscreen wash kit (Spot who went to the all night garage.)
a fossil
a dustpan and brush
a chainsaw
weighing scales
a high visibility jacket for dog walking
a lurid green jumper with an embroidered alien

In reality most women’s wish lists are fairly straightforward: a designer handbag, a romantic break or a watch were amongst the longed for items.

Hubby gave me a Swiss Army knife once, but I asked him to.)
