Interesting Fact - Happiness

According to a survey commissioned by broadband provider Plusnet, 1 in 10 people believe that it only takes a small thing to salvage a bad day.

(The top 10 things that make us cheerful are:-

  1. Doing a good deed for somebody (47 per cent) 
  2. Random acts of kindness from strangers (44 per cent) 
  3. Stumbling across a bargain (42 per cent)
  4. Spontaneous hug (40 per cent)
  5. A compliment from a stranger (39 per cent)
  6. A car stopping so you can cross the road (36 per cent)
  7. Being greeted by a pet (35 per cent)
  8. Getting a hand written letter in the post (31 per cent)
  9. Your favourite song coming on the radio (31 per cent)
  10. A stranger saying hello (30 per cent)
Make my day. Try to do / experience at least 5 of these things today.)
