Interesting Fact - To Do List

According to a study by the British Heart Foundation, Brits have very ambitious To Do lists.  Unfortunately the top item on most people's list is to win the lottery!

(That's not an ambition, it's a wish!

So here are the other 9 top items:-

  1. Win the lottery (not an ambition)
  2. Travel the world
  3. See the Northern Lights
  4. Experience a once-in-a lifetime challenge
  5. See world famous landmarks such as the Taj Mahal or the Egyptian Pyramids
  6. Swim with dolphins or sharks
  7. Live and work abroad
  8. Build your own house
  9. Go on an African Safari
  10. Start up a dream business and run it
What would be on your top 10 things to do? Please don't say "Win the lottery".)
