Interesting Food - Apples

There are over 7,500 known cultivars of the humble apple.

(In spite of the three or four varieties you might find in your local supermarket, there are thousands of apples you can try.

In the UK we tend to separate them into dessert / eating apples, cooking apples and cider apples, and the list is quite long:-

Adams Pearmain
Allington Pippin
Arthur Turner
Ashmead's Kernel 
Beauty of Bath
Blenheim Orange
Breedon Pippin
Byfleet Seedling
*Cox's Orange Pippin
Dummellor's Seedling
Gascoyne's Scarlet
Golden Noble
*Granny Smith (Originated in Australia, but is very popular in the UK)
Knobbed Russet
Lane's Prince Albert
Laxton's Superb
Lord Derby
May Queen
Merton Worcester
Miller's Seedling
Newton Wonder
Norfolk Royal
Pam's Delight
Peasgood's Nonsuch
Pitmaston Pineapple
Pott's Seedling
Rev. W. Wilks
Ribston Pippin
St. Edmund's Pippin
Sturmer Pippin
Tom Putt
Tydeman's Early Worcester
Tydeman's Late Orange
Warner's King 
Worcester Pearmain

* = The ones I have eaten.)
