Interesting Food - Eating on Holiday

According to a study carried out by, British holidaymakers double their daily calorie intake in the first 24 hours of an all-inclusive break.

(Holidaymakers consumed on average 5,756 calories on the first day of all-inclusive trips.  Research found that binge eating amounts to twice recommended daily intake; enough fuel for them to run two marathons

The meals worked out at:-

Breakfast - 1,117 calories

A bowl of cereal (113 calories), full English breakfast (870), a glass of orange juice (112), cup of tea (22)

Mid-morning drinks - 240  calories
A glass of Sangria (150 calories), a glass of Coke (90)

Lunch - 1,260  calories
Burger and fries (770 calories), a side salad (17), a glass of Coke (90), one ice cream (230), one bottle of beer (153)

Afternoon snack - 425  calories

A packet of crisps (160 calories), a glass of orange juice (112), one bottle of beer (153)

Dinner - 2,191  calories
Starter – a bowl of soup and bread roll (403 calories),
Main - chicken, rice and side of salad (415), second plate – lamb, wedges and salad (413)
Two glasses of wine (246), a gin and tonic (143), a glass of sangria (150), a slice of cake (275), a fruit salad (146)

Evening drinks and snacks - 523  calories

Two mojitos (120 calories), one glass of sangria (150), one bottle of beer (153), a packet of peanuts (100)


