Interesting Food - Water

A businessman meeting a client in a London hotel (The Wellesley in Knightsbridge) was charged £75.00 for 3 bottles of water (yes water).

(The water, San Pellegrino, which usually costs about 60p a bottle, actually costs a profit mongering £5.50 per bottle in this particular tourist trap, and there was also a service charge of £8.33, but if you can do mental arithmetic, you'll see that that still doesn't add up: It would have been £24.83. Which is bad enough. But no, the Wellesley, seemingly owned by Arab Investments´ City and Country Hotels, has a minimum charge of £25 per person for anyone using its bar after 4pm. They should remember that the blessings of water come with human responsibility for its proper use.

Is there anything he can do? No.  That's why when you are eating out in the UK, it's important to check the prices on the menu and ask if there is any cover / service charge. Of course at a business meeting, you don't want to be seen to be niggardly, so check in advance.

They say there is no such thing as bad publicity, but I hope that in this case, it isn't true.  They don't allow pets, so I wouldn't go there anyway.)
