Interesting Fact - Honours and Awards

The honorary title the OBE (Order of the British Empire) was introduced in 1917 to recognise achievements at a local and national level, but any honour awarded isn't necessarily for life.

(The Honours Forfeiture Committee considers cases where a recipient's actions, "raise the question of whether they should be allowed to continue to be a holder of the honour". 33 people have been subsequently stripped of the award. This happens automatically to convicted criminals or people struck off professional bodies

The list includes:-

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe
Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaucescu
Italy's Fascist leader Benito Mussolini
Former BBC broadcaster Stuart Hall after he was jailed for a series of sexual assaults on young girls.
Jockey Lester Piggott after being jailed in 1987 for tax fraud
Royal Bank of Scotland boss Fred Goodwin, although he hasn't actually been convicted of anything - yet.)
