Interesting Fact - Valentine's Day Fact meet Winter Olympics Fact

In the world of romance one of the difficult things to do is pluck up the courage to ask someone out. No longer! So called "Hook up" apps are seemingly all the rage amongst young singletons.

(One of the breed, Tinder, claims to be responsible for 150 marriages; it is a location-based dating app which highlights fellow singles in your area, sort of virtual speed dating. Now I know that sounds kind of sweet, but (there's always a but) there are 450,000,000 Tinder profiles worldwide, which means their "meaningful relationship rate" is pretty low.

So how does this tie in to Valentine's Day and the Winter Olympics? Well, romance aside, a news story claims that Olympic athletes in Sochi are hooking up using Tinder.

Now this could just be clever marketing by the owners of Tinder, but there's no doubt that the market is booming, Smeeters, Down, OkCupid, and Grindr, to name but a few, are all aimed at pairing us up in different combinations.)
