Interesting Food and Drink - Fizzy Drinks

Fizzy drinks are on average, 5,000 times more acidic than water, which has a neutral pH level.

(This is having a disastrous affect on people's teeth. A normal sized can of pop contains approximately nine teaspoons of sugar, and regular consumption of these sugary drinks increases the risk of tooth decay by over 200%. According to dentists, who are at the front line of the battle against tooth decay, if you drink a lot of canned or bottled fizzy pop, you might as well stick your teeth in an acid bath.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in 1969 Australians used to drink about 47 litres per person in a year, in 2012 it was estimated to be over 100 litres, and rising. That's almost 300 cans a year!

Australian peridontist, Dr Amis Lidums, said "Teeth initially become quite sensitive and they'll start to become shorter as the protective enamel over the surface of the teeth disappears."
  • Almost 60 per cent of children aged five to sixteen consume at least one sweet drink per day.
  • Thirteen per cent drink more than three drinks, and boys are higher consumers.
  • Children in lower income families consume 60 per cent more sugared drinks.
  • Decayed, missing or filled baby teeth are 46 per cent higher among children drinking more than three glasses per day.

    (Source: University of Adelaide, School of Dentistry)
Dr Hans-Peter Kubis, from University of Bangor’s School of Sport, Health & Excercise Sciencesactually called fizzy drinks addictive and evil.

So, instead of storing cans of coke and orange coloured fizz in your fridge, fill a few bottles with water, and get your family to drink from those instead.)
