Interesting Fact - Class in the UK

According to a new survey, run by the London School of Economics, the University of Manchester, and BBC Lab UK, there are no longer three social classes in the UK.

(But that does not mean Britain is a classless society, oh no. There are now 7 social classes, which are (from the bottom up):-
  • The precariat, or precarious proletariat - Most deprived group, with low levels of all three capitals.
  • The traditional working class - Low on all three capitals, but not the poorest. Older on average than other classes.
  • Emergent service workers - New class with low economic but high 'emerging' cultural capital. High social capital. Predominantly young and often found in urban areas.
  • New affluent workers - Medium levels of economic, but higher levels of cultural and social capital. Young and active.
  • Technical middle class - New, small class, with high economic capital but less culturally engaged. Relatively few social contacts.
  • Established middle class - High levels of all three capitals but not as high as Elite. Gregarious and culturally engaged.
  • And of course - The Elite - The most privileged class. High level of all three capitals (economic, cultural and social).

Only one in seven of us is traditional working class, and 6 per cent of the population are in the elite. To be elite you have to have savings of more than £140,000, extensive social contacts and be educated at a top university. Well that's me out then.)
