Interesting Fact - Art

According to the BBC News website, Damien Hirst has produced 1,000 spot paintings.

(Spot paintings are "rows of randomly coloured circles. Interestingly Last year, one of his spot paintings - of which there are over 1,000 - sold for £1.8m.

Hirst has admitted that he only painted five spot paintings himself because, "I couldn't be ******* ***** doing it"; he described his efforts as "shite"—"They're shit compared to ... the best person who ever painted spots for me was Rachel. She's brilliant. Absolutely ******* brilliant. The best spot painting you can have by me is one painted by Rachel." Hirst sees the real creative act as being the conception, not the execution, and that, as the progenitor of the idea, he is therefore the artist. Maybe, Mr Hirst, or maybe the real artist is the wallpaper company who first printed spotty wallpaper.

It looks as if the bubble is about to burst though, like the story, The Emperor's New Clothes, Art critic and former curator Julian Spalding has predicted this kind of conceptual work will soon become "worthless".  Writing in the Independent, Spalding described Hirst's work as "the sub-prime of the art world" and advised owners of his work to sell quickly.)