Interesting People - Jesus Christ

3,096,541 people like Jesus Christ on Facebook.

(Yes, Christ has a Facebook page, and 200,426 people are talking about it. Now, it is against Facebook's ToS to impersonate anyone, so ... That said, if you are the real Jesus Christ, Facebook does allow you to report anyone who may be impersonating you or someone you know:-

What should I do if someone is pretending to be me? 

If someone has created an account to impersonate or imitate you, please go to the impostor profile and click "Report this person" in the left column. Check the "Report this person" box, choose "Fake account" as the reason, and add "Impersonating me or someone else" as the report type. Be sure to add a valid web address (URL) leading to the real profile so that we can review the information."

I love the Internet.)