Interesting Fact - Britain

According to the Daily Mail, many gadgets cost about 37% more in Britain than in the US.

(The official UK price for Nintendo's 3DS device is £179, but in New York it will set you back as little as £167.66, including VAT (sales tax). For iPad fans the news is just as depressing. The second generation of the pioneering tablet computer, which is thinner, lighter and faster than its predecessor, may cost £100 more in the UK than it does in the U.S.

To be honest, ever since I moved to Germany and realised how cheap beer is here, I've called it "Rip off Britain". And it's not just beer and gadgets manufacturers that rip us off: a European Commission study from 2008 found we pay £12,900 for a VW Golf, compared with £10,986 in Denmark – almost 15% more – and £20,364 for a Vectra, which would cost £15,411 in Latvia.)

Source: Daily Mail
