Interesting Fact # 216 - computer viruses

There are more than 150,000 computer viruses in the world.

(I have had the lot - thank you world. Actually, I have it on good authority that there is a special place in hell for virus writers.)


  1. Anonymous7:44 pm

    This fact sucks

  2. The fact itself, or the fact that there are so many viruses (probably more by now)?

  3. Anonymous7:14 pm

    Yes this fact sucks , but alerts as well.In these days nobody should surf the net without a proper firewall and antivirus program.I think a router and a firwall should provide enough security for the average user.I am trying to explain it to my dear cousine for over 1 year : ) She is using winodws 98 , no program is installed on her PC which could even far be in connection with security.Just important that the well secure Internet Explorer should work : ) It is a slap in the face for me working in a security-team : ))
    She handles the security herself.Explanation:
    I do not surf pron sites anyway.To be honest i am getting eager to scan her PC with a spy seeker and virus scanner.I would like to know if she is already a part of a botnet and install some security software on her PC.

    I can imagine many people outhere think like her.And are quite vulnerable to exploits and attacks.

    There are many free antivures and anti malware software to find on the net.For example Spy Bot.(make sure you download from the real Spy Bot site)

    Stay safe !


  4. Yes. There are free antivirus programs out there, but as you point out, make they are reputable. SpyBot is good. :-)


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