12th November 1439 ā Plymouth, England, became the first town incorporated by the English Parliament. 1793 ā Jean Sylvain Bailly, the first Mayor of Paris, was guillotined. 1893 ā The treaty of the Durand Line delineating the border between present day Pakistan and Afghanistan was signed by Sir Mortimer Durand, a British diplomat in British India. 1912 ā The frozen bodies of Robert Scott and his men were found on the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica. 1918 ā Austria became a republic. 1927 ā Leon Trotsky was expelled from the Soviet Communist Party, leaving Joseph Stalin in undisputed control of the Soviet Union. 1933 ā Hugh Gray took the first known photographs alleged to be of the Loch Ness Monster. 1956 ā Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia joined the United Nations. 1956 ā 111 people, including 103 refugees, were killed by the Israeli army in the Palestinian refugee camp of Rafah, in the midst of the Suez Crisis. The United Nations were unable to determine the circumstances surrounding...